


On October 12th, the International College held a wonderful music evening party. Playing its role as a method of non- language communication, the evening party deepened the friendships between students from different countries and promoted the exchange and collision of different countries’ culture through the bridge of music. 


The evening party began with an appreciation of the national anthem. Everybody listened to China’s nation anthem. The international students from different countries also introduced and sang their own country’s national anthems. What’s more, international students from Ghana let us know about African excellent music culture by playing African drums.



After the appreciation of the national anthem, international students from countries like Ghana、Zimbabwe、Zambia and so on all stood up. They introduced the New Year culture of their countries and shared their New Year experience with proud smile on their face. During this process, we learned about various cultures and comprehended customs from different countries.



After that, international students learned and chorus the Chinese song Yu ge zi together,  egrets fly around Xisai mountain, there are peach blossom and mandarin fish in the flowing water… the lyric which is full of poetry showed us a feast about traditional Chinese culture and made us understand the broad and deep traditional Chinese culture. Music haven’t borders and it can help students in different countries and areas build connection and friendship. By studying and playing music together, it promotes cross-cultural communication and understanding. This kind of cross-cultural communication and integration also helps international students better adapt to new environment and enrich their personal college life.



Music exchange is a means of communication that transcends national boundaries. It contributes to promote friendship and cooperation among different countries. The music evening party not only brought us a happy and glorious moment, added a strong color in our memories, but also increased friendships between international students and enhanced our understanding of each other' s culture.
